The police museum that comes to you!

Most presentations are approximately 60 minutes duration and can be broken into two 30 minute segments to allow for a comfort break. Fees for a visit within West Yorkshire start at just £69 for an adult history talk or £69 for an age appropriate talk with additional activities for Schools, Beavers / Cubs / Scouts, Rainbows / Brownies / Guides. I am happy to travel to surrounding counties and areas for an adjusted fee to take into consideration travel time and costs.
A optional question and answer session is added at the end of the 60 minutes but can be incorporated within the 60 minutes if preferred.
Consideration is given to the demographic / age / ability of the audience, so that only suitable content is included, for example for children.
The audience are welcome to try on my collection uniforms at the conclusion of the presentation if the organisers wish this and is done within the time.
The scope of content and exhibits can be altered to suit a particular request or to conform to a school curriculum, such as a concentration on a certain time period for example, WW2 or the Victorian era, or at present for schools, British values (law and order).
Should you have any other requests I am happy to accommodate them where ever possible.
Use of a large table or tables would be appreciated for the exhibits and to make them easily accessible to your group. Tables can be provided if necessary.